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*ArdraMoon is now HumanNarratives
Discover the unconscious
patterns & narratives
that shape your life & destiny.

Your journey of transformation, healing, evolution & self-integration starts here.

Who am I?
What is my life purpose?

How can I find peace? be HUMAN is to ask these questions.

I can assist you in answering them with the help of these modalities:



I practice Vedic Astrology (ancient Indian astrology or Jyotisha). Rich in mystical symbolism & spirituality, unlike Western Astrology, Jyotisha is deeply-rooted in centuries-old tradition that looks at a person's birth chart from the perspective of accumulated Karma, which we are here to experience & transform in the process.



Identifying your intrenched psychological patterns and coming up with practical strategies to turn them into your superpowers is the focus of every one of my sessions with you. Honing in on the unresolved traumas & objectively validating your subjective experiences using your birth chart, we find the best path to healing.



Dharma is your Higher Purpose, based on your Higher Truth. Your Dharma is unique to you & does not depend on your social class, status, ethnicity, locality, culture, or religion. Ancient Vedic wisdom holds the keys to what our hearts & souls yearn for. It's the profound spiritual tradition of India that guides me through your chart.


We are all run by our NARRATIVES,
conscious & unconscious.
Some are HELPFUL & some are DESTRUCTIVE. 

IDENTIFYING them can help us stop running in circles,
frustrated with our lives, and get to a state of FULFILLMENT. 

Let's work together to help you feel fulfilled.

Ways to connect with me:

Who I Am

My name is Nadya Lakaeva

I am a Vedic Astrologer, Teacher, Counselor, Designer, Artist, and an Empath.



short bio:

Nadya Lakaeva is a professional Vedic Astrologer and Teacher, and, as a student and partner of Simon Chokoisky (who is the author of “The 5 Dharma Types”), she specializes in helping people find their Dharma


A Designer-Architect by training and an aspiring Psychotherapist, her gift is to help her clients create beautiful environments within and without


With her background in Vedanta, JyotishaYoga, Ayurveda, Vastu, and Psychology, Nadya brings a holistic approach to reading every birth-chart by looking through the various lenses of the Native’s life purpose, professional fulfillment, spiritual path, physical & mental health, and the trauma that’s holding the person back from their self-actualization


In her work, Nadya's primary goal is to bring awareness to the person's unconscious patterns of behavior & to help them re-write their life's narratives to create more harmony within themselves, laying a strong foundation for productive transformation, growth & evolution.


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© All right reserved 2024: HumanNarratives; Ardra Moon, LLC.  All artwork, design, text, and other elements are created by Nadya Lakaeva and are subjects to copyright.

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