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Private Sessions

book one-on-one birth chart readings here

"That which we do not bring to consciousness
appears in our lives as fate." ~Carl Jung

I do recommend reviewing the session topics before booking a session -

to help us stay focused on what matters most to you right now.

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Session Topics

Before booking a reading, please review the topics that I offer in my private sessions. Note the ones that currently speak to you.


Timing of Events & Life-Cycles

Included in every reading. Overview of your individual planetary Life-Cycles and what to expect from any given period. Overview of major Planetary Transits & their implications. What current major themes you are living through. What karmic fruits, gifts & lessons to expect in the near future. What's best to focus on. What's best not to waste your energy on. How to honor the energies available to you in the current stage of your life. Mantras & rituals to help mitigate the undesirable effects of challenging life-cycles, if applicable.

The Essentials - Dharma & Karma

Included in every initial reading with me. The initial reading is designed to to help you start unraveling your Karma & Dharma, see your Higher & Lower Self, and recognize your subconscious patterns & narratives. Your Ancient Dharma Type: Laborer, Merchant, Warrior, Educator, Outsider (as taught by Simon Chokoisky). Gifts & lessons. Karmic imprints = static potential of your natal chart. Emotional baggage. Personal handicaps & patterns of behavior. Spiritual development. Remedies & practices to improve your quality of life, evolve higher, maximize your potential, eliminate suffering, empower your Spirit...


Health & Wellbeing

In-depth evaluation of your chart’s physical karma. Your health static potential. The strengths & weaknesses of your physical vessel (your body). Chronic health predispositions. Timing of acute illnesses, surgeries, accidents, etc. Emotional baggage with relation to physical discord. Connection between mental, emotional & physical ailments. Your likely Ayurvedic constitution (your likely Prakruti & Vikruti). How to balance your Ayurvedic Doshas (elemental humors & bio-rhythms of your body). Practices, mantras & remedies to help alleviate your suffering.

Relationships - Karma In Romance

Your capacity to feel fulfilled by romantic partnerships - as seen from your birth chart. Sexuality & romantic fulfillment. Commitment & boundaries. What makes you tick romantically. Your needs as a partner. Are you made to be monogamous or best suited to have multiple partners? Would you be happier if you got married or stayed single, according to your birth-chart? What you need to focus on to balance your relationships and make them successful. Rituals & mantras to improve your relationships karma, if appropriate.Timing of beneficial & troublesome periods for relationships.


Career Dharma - Professional Success

A deep dive into your Professional Karma & Dharma. What is your Dharma in this world? What is your deepest calling? What is your highest purpose in this lifetime? Your inherent gifts & talents. Your career inclinations. The static potential of your chart’s professional success. What career prospects should you focus on and what endeavors are sucking your energies dry? Are you best suited to work for yourself or for someone else? Timing of job opportunities & professional events. Your specific questions about current work prospects.

Wealth & Prosperity Karma

Your karmic potential for material wealth & prosperity in this lifetime. What are the best ways for you to make money, according to your highest Dharma? What are the sources of prosperity for you? What should you invest your energy into to be the most productive in generating wealth? What are your karmic blocks (generational, mental & emotional) in producing prosperity? What is your level of wealth in this lifetime? When is / was / will be the best time for achieving wealth in this lifetime. Timing of Lucky Transits & Cycles.


Geo-Astrology - Astro-Cartography

We use Astro-Cartography & Astro-Locality to see how your current location is shaping your life’s energy. Locations that could potentially improve your life’s karma. An overview of the globe according to your “karmic lines.” How you can more effectively harmonize with the outcomes of your actions by moving to a more “helpful”-for-you location. Are you better off living in your home country or living abroad? Where in the world is most suitable for you? Is it a good time to move, buy, or sell property?

Prashna - Specific Questions

"Prashna" means "Question," "Inquiry," "Problem," "Request," "Query" in Sanskrit. It refers to the moment in time when a question is asked straight from the person's heart. If the person is deeply invested in knowing the answer to that question, the astrological chart will show the answer and the nature of the situation. In any of my live sessions, you are welcome to ask specific questions - for a Prashna chart - at any point of the live reading and witness the magic happen right in front of you. I usually do NOT do Prashna over email or text, unless it's an emergency.


Couple's Compatibility

Deep analysis of the relationship's strengths & weaknesses using the Ancient & the Modern Methods in our proprietary DILANU astro-compatibility software: "Sizzle" = Sexual Chemistry. "Core Connection" = how you will get along fundamentally. "Karmic Glue"= past life connection. Deal-makers & deal-breakers, etc. Determine whether the relationship will work out, fail, or thrive! You are welcome to do this session together as a couple live with me or it can be part of an individual's private reading, where I can run compatibility for any potential prospects. Each partner's relationship karma & romantic inclinations/needs. 



“Nadya Lakaeva is a true gift! I booked a reading with her - my first Vedic Birth Chart reading. It was an amazing experience. Nadya carefully explained the details on my chart and checked in to be sure I understood what she was sharing. I left with a better sense of things. I feel inspired and clear on what the best next steps are to take care of my physical and mental health. I am better prepared and informed to make decisions going forward. As well - she sent an awesome follow up to our call including resources and information to support me as I move forward.

Highly recommend this experience with Nadya.”

"I was thoroughly impressed by Nadya’s reading. She is a true Vedic master astrologer. You could spend hours and hours learning from her about your cosmic “blueprint” yet she is able to distill the reading so you get the most important information. She also generously provides a lot of useful information afterwards so you can get the most from your reading. Very grateful!"

" I had a reading with Nadya, and I am more than grateful for it. I received some many insights from her - from ayurveda to jyotish and dharma. You end the consultation with so many ideas on what to work on to improve your life and living your purpose. Nadya took so much time to explain each placement and their impacts. I felt very aligned with the reading. I can't recommend enough! Thank you Nadya for this beautiful reading, full of light and wisdom"

"Nadya’s approach to jyotisha is precise, authentic and informative. My family and I have had the privilege to work with Nadya multiple times. Each session leaves me feeling more in touch with who I am as a person and how my stars will affect the upcoming journey of my life. I highly recommend working with Nadya!"

"Thank you so much for your advice and guidance. I really appreciate it. This is the best reading I've ever had. Everything you explained made perfect sense. I couldn't have asked for better reading than this. I'm glad that I was able to connect. Thank you so much for the wealth of information you've provided. I really appreciate it. I've downloaded my recording and also re-watched it yesterday. You explained everything so beautifully and most importantly the "why" behind everything in my birth chart. I always wanted to know the "why". I also learned quite a bit of astrology in your session."

"I really can't thank you enough for the session last week. I am still processing so much, but have made commitments to move forward with the recommendations you provided.

I've never had such an accurate reading before. This connected with me on a soul level and I look forward to learning more about Vedic Astrology."

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